Mystery Shopping Service

Mystery Shopping Service is the practice of using trained “shoppers” to anonymously evaluate customer service operations, employee integrity, merchandising and product quality. It is about visiting your business premises, posing as customers and evaluating the service. It is also a veritable tool for assessing staff adherence to customer service techniques, laid-down processes and procedures and also for developing training programmes tailored at improving customer service.
Our mystery shopping involves the recording of both audio and video at every shopping location, although either could be saved separately if demanded by the client.
Some of the benefits your organisation will derive from adopting the Mystery Shopping Scheme include;
Understand your customers
Improved customer retention and service levels.
Check staff performance and focus on service
Resolves employee integrity issues
Ongoing objective analysis of service performance
Keep your clients satisfied, every time
Increase your sales figures
Monitoring your cash management process
Improve stock inventory
Increase customer loyalty
Improve your brand image
Survey and beat your competitors
Educational tool for staff training & development
Below are synopses of some of the Mystery Shopping Services we offer:
Bench marking Evaluation
Interaction Evaluation
Conformance Evaluation
Internet Performance
Merchandising Audits
Price Audit
Specific Individual